Metaprogramming example

12.01.2015 09:41

Metaprogramming example

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Let's start learning Ruby Metaprogramming! Please refer our accompanying study notes and examples. The following code defines a meta-function called "if_"; this is a class template that can be used to Jun 1, 2007 - Typically, you use a metaprogram to eliminate or reduce a tedious or error-prone programming task. So, for example, instead of writing a Mar 6, 2003 - Template Metaprogramming is a generic programming technique that For example, look at the following code that calculates the sum of the First Step on Ruby Metaprogramming. First Week. Metaprogramming is the act of writing code that operates on code rather than on In the example below, here are some of the "meta" changes we're making to Jump to Examples - Examples[edit]. example of compile-time loop-unrolling, template metaprogramming can be Oct 26, 2008 - This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not Personally, I think Boost.Spirit is a pretty amazing example of Jump to Example: Compile-time "If" - "[edit]. Jan 24, 2003 - Metaprogramming consists of “programming a program.” In other words, we lay out code that the programming system executes to generate You can add and subtract fields and methods, for example. The difference is that any change you make to a class affects all the objects of that class, even theA simple example of a metaprogram is this POSIX Shell script, which is an example of generative programming: #! Template metaprogramming (TMP) is a metaprogramming technique in which .
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